848. Automobile
After a long silent period, I’d like to announce that my blog is going back to life.
Many good things and opportunities were postponed or canceled due to this sad time, but let’s be optimistic and try to return to normal life (with SAKs!)
So, the new post in this blog will be about definitely valued knife. I cannot call it extra-rare, but no doubts that many collectors will be happy to get one Automobile in surprisingly good condition as this one.
Automobile (or Motorist as it was called in some old catalogs) is a 3-layered knife in 91-mm format with special inlay of St.Christopher on their scales (but some ones were released without this inlay). Another unique feature of this knife is a technician screwdriver, which replaced the usual small blade.
What else? Probably you already noticed all the small details, as old, styled cap-lifter, can-opener with “+PAT” tang and for sure, “Elinox” tang on main blade…
Enjoy viewing pictures of this beauty and… wait for the next knives’ reviews in this blog!
Stay safe!
I have this same knife from the same era (with the “+ PAT” on the can opener). Based on the date, I think it should otherwise have a nail file on the side of the phillips screwdriver. My guess is that this is omitted because either, a) it has the metal saw/file, so a file would be redundant or b) because ELINOX was the economy version and was left off for that reason. Thoughts?
Hey John,
Regarding you theory (redundant nail-file).
To be short – I don’t think so .
Check item #904 in my blog (Luxury Automobile) – this one has nail-file on metal-saw, nail-file on Philips and additionally – long nail-file.