936. Huntsman (Special display version)
I can bet that this knife looks for you as regular Huntsman model, very common knife; but it’s only at first glance. Sounds intriguing? I believe so!
At least two details (which can be discovered directly from pictures) here looks very unusual:
- additional tool (chisel) on the back-side
- strange buildup on the cap-lifter, looks like a piece of solder.
Besides these points, there are two other things, not so obvious:
- blades are unsharpened
- some tools can be fixed in intermediate positions (for instance, in addition to usual 90°, cap-lifter easily can be fixed in 45° position as well).
Probably at this point you already understand what’s wrong with this Huntsman, – this is a special version produced for European stores as a display variation.
I got mine from my friend Reinier, famous collector of Victorinox knives and very pleasant person, who also has own blog about SAKs. Highly recommend to add this site to your bookmarks!